It was two years ago that I had been in the theater for my performance of The Paper Hangers, "The Yellow Wallpaper" adaptation at Stages that closed early due to Covid. And last night I got the be back with one of my shows, Miss Muffet and Arachne as part of Playground LA's adapted nursery rhymes night. I had the great opportunity to work with Emily Kuroda as Arachne and Tansu Philip as Miss Muffet who brought humor and life to the piece--as well as Gabi Mayorga's wonderful direction (and the creation of a fabulous spider costume).
While the piece was live-streamed as well and I'm quite thankful for digital theatre and the access it brings--it helped me create during the two-year hiatus--it was also nice to be back in a space creating and collaborating with colleagues! Looking forward to the next time.
